making heads…

15 03 2008

ok time to update this blog! I realized that most of the public will probably not be able to find this thing as I never put ‘tags’ down there on what my posts are about… and that\s fine by me I think XD nothing worst than a flame war under work meant to be professional.

Now, back to my actual post.   This week in design class we started faces yay! the eye and the mouth and then connecting them minimally by the outline of the nose/bride of nose.  The teacher said he wasn’t happy with his head models until his like, 6th head or so… and so I’m going to take initiative and make more head models hehe ^_^

I have been looking up reference photos of Hyde from the band L’arc en Ciel because, well, I figure if I’m going do things on my own I might as well make a head I enjoy looking at!

In animation class we are doing rigging… it’s rather technical O.o but it’s not too bad.
