rendering x3

31 03 2008

This week really WAS rendering x3… we have a production assignment due tomorrow and all week I have spent lighting separating into layers and rendering a scene in 3 shots in 3 passes… object layer, shadow pass and ambient occlusion pass.  I finally got everything to work on all the settings I needed *jumps for joy* I don’t think I’ll ever forget how to render in passes again but really, what gave me he most trouble was caustics!  It’s supposed to be simple: get my key light to emit photons and turn on caustics in the render editor and wait forever for the render to happen because caustics make everything slow… but it refused to work and I asked the teacher on Sunday but he couldn’t get it to work either >.> and none of my classmates could get it to work… so the teacher taught me ‘fake caustics’ which is apparently what most people do anyways because it’s so much faster… so my scene is rendered with fake caustics heh.

Now I just need to composite it all together and add some music and some credits and it’s all good!

Now, in other news, we got to learn how to do some facial rigging in animation class!  I will take screen shots and post them up when I can…

I have also mostly finalized my demo reel idea, I have talked to my teachers about it and now I’ve decided to do a Napoleonic themed demo.  My 3D design teacher said he’d never seen a demo reel with Napoleon in it so that actually sounds a whole lot more doable than the Russian revolution because I know more about it.
